Back in the day after dial up, but before 5G you needed to download a connection of sorts, this enabled you to access the ATO and ABR from what they called Auskey. Enter the world of everything needs to be digital and we now have My Gov ID, don't be confused with, where you can log in, see how much you owe on your HECS debt, and how much Super you have, but can't touch until your around 70.
Step 1: Download yet another App, and get your personal details into it. You will need, as they call it 100 points of ID, so License, Passport, Medicare card, you get the drift.
Check out my fancy QR codes below for your downloads!
Step 2: Lets get your Access set up! Future reference this is the site that you can also add others to be able to access your entities. Head to click on the big green login button, and type in the email address you just set up with your My Gov ID app. You will get a 4 digit code, type that into your app and access is granted!
Head to "Link your Business", fill in the details required and if these match the personal details linked to your entity, you will be able to link your entity, if this fails give the ATO a call. (If you do call the ATO also give them your Software ID and get them to link your software).
(Just so happens, that when I was writing this blog the automatic link your business was up and running, do not be surprised if when you click on the "link your business" you get a message that you need to call the ATO this does happen.)
Step 3: You have successfully linked your business to your My GOV ID, lets link it back through to your software.
(Back at your Authorisation Manager homepage the second link should give you access to manage users, software, cloud connections all that good stuff. Despite what it says, you cannot connect your cloud software there, but you can add more users. Go for gold.)
Head to and we can get the linking done! Once you get through the links to select the correct entity you will get to a boring ATO Access manager page, on the left hand side of the screen it will have an option "My Hosted SBR Software Services" head to that.
Click on the little link with "Notify The ATO of your hosted Service", There will be 2 Elements you need to complete this next step...
the ABN of your provider (You can just search the name)
The Software ID (SSID)
I have gone through the basics for Xero and MYOB below. Although, if you don't work with either of these software, just start to try and lodge your BAS or Single Touch Payroll (STP) and it will take you through the prompts to link it.
Xero: Accounting>Reports>Activity Statements>Lodge Directly from Xero/Connect to the ATO
Enter the details into your Access Manager, and than click "Check Connection" in Xero and your connected. This is connected on all levels, for both BAS lodgments and Payroll.
(If you get an Error about your missing Branch number, this will be the 3 digit number which points to the correct account in your ATO portal being Activity Statements, this can be found through
MYOB: Accounts>Prepare BAS/IAS>Lodge Online>Prepare Statement>Log In>Get Started>Lodge as a business>Follow the prompts and you will find your Software ID
Step 4: Lodge your BAS and or Single Touch Payroll, and put your feet up! You have a had a big day in the office and most likely need a cuppa.